The Great Whatchamacallit

Each time we go to the beach, we find little tidbits to pick up.  Agate, Petrified Wood, Shell, Rock, Driftwood etc. The trouble comes with where to put it? I have tried to choose one collection pocket, but I’m too dim to remember which is which. So I end up with sand in the cell phone, the camera, my keys and wallet. Sigh.  For the past two months we have been collecting Peanut Butter Jars and Mayonnaise Jars. I’ve had ideas swirling in my brain of how to create the contraption, to not loose a lid, to hang around the shoulders, to have a good rope, to be hand held if needed. So far, I haven’t been successful in perfect design.  THEN LAST NIGHT – I found a blog with an example of how to attach the lid.  Oh. My. You might say. Solved world hunger? Well. No . . . but it if you saw or listened through hearing me explain my ideas, you’d probably get the same look that my hubby gets . . . . Sometimes the simple solution and I don’t really meet at first.  So – thanks to Plum Pudding’s Site, I found the perfect solution to the lost lid!  The boys and I created 3 of these last night.

IMG_1314  IMG_1317 IMG_1318
The boys made a commercial, which they have not granted me permission to post as of yet, and instead of calling it a simple rock jar, they settled on The Great Whatchamacallit, because, in their words, “its funnier”.  So there ya have it. Funny, In a Peanut Butter Jar.

About +Angie Wright

The Transparent Thoughts of an Unschooling Family of Boys - Answering the question - What DO you DO all day?
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2 Responses to The Great Whatchamacallit

  1. We just filled a complete jar with agates and rocks on our OR trip. It is sitting nicely on our nature shelf and it makes me smile to look at it. I found a set of pretty jars with green lids last year at the Dollar Tree and I wish I would have picked up a few more sets to use for our collections.

    Great idea to attach the lid.

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