The Baking Cupboard


I love to bake meals from scratch for my family.  Breads, biscuits, pie dough, cobblers, corn bread, waffles – the works.  A well stocked baking cupboard is what allows me to create for my family.  I was made aware of how important it was while having company this weekend.  We had boys spend the night – without planning a menu. I had a half of a package of hamburger thawed out. Four Teen boys and a Husband . . . . Browned the beef, added a half a jar of left over pico de gallo, a few spoons of canned jalapeno from the fridge, cumin, onion powder, cup and half or so of rice, and 2 cups of water – and I’ve fluffed up the burger a bit.  Making a large pie pan of cornbread with chopped chives baked in – and it’s a meal. Dollop or Sour Cream. Handful of shredded cheese. Yum.

P1050799The next challenge came the following day when my friend asked to say the evening with us – and wanted to bake up a storm to treat us to dinner and breakfast.  I noticed – not only is she a fabulous cook – but the only she asked me for – was stirring spoons. I keep them near the stove, as I’m usually stirring by the stove. I use my kitchen aid to stir everything else. She as a Bowel and Spoon sort of a gal.   I keep my measuring spoons right by the flours and sugars. I’m usually measuring Sugar, Salt, Baking Powder and Baking Soda – so I keep the spoons nearby.



I keep the measuring cups in a basket all together. I’ve tried putting them in drawers – they get moved around.  Just in the cupboard? No, they get placed all over.

Wheat, Oats, Cocoa, Corn, Yeast, Cornstarch, Powdered Milk, Raisins, Powdered Sugar, Choco Chips, Essential Oils, Powdered Sugar Shaker, Oat Meal, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, White Un Bleached Flour, Corn Meal, Sugar, Salt, Vanilla, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Yeast – It’s what’s in the cupboard!



I’m not sure what is between the powdered milk and the raisins.  Coconut and dates maybe?

carnival button I am writing for The Christian Home, Homekeeping Column.  If you have a homekeeping question – let me know!  The entire 28th edition of the Blog Magazine is located at Kristin’s this week!  Need some encouragement?
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About +Angie Wright

The Transparent Thoughts of an Unschooling Family of Boys - Answering the question - What DO you DO all day?
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5 Responses to The Baking Cupboard

  1. Pingback: Baking Cupboard - Finding

  2. Pingback: Seasonings Cupboard Redo | Petra School

  3. Being prepared is important, I agree.
    I have tagged you for a homeschooling meme because we homeschool in a similar way and I wanted to hear what you have to say. Pop on over and have a look.

  4. ~julie ~ says:

    your baking cupboard is so nicely organized! mine is a dig through till you find it mess. Need to work on that…. 🙂 Glad the magazine is back!

  5. Pingback: » The Christian Home – 28th Edition A Day in the Life

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